National Mission for Green India is one of the eight missions under the National Action Plan on Climate change announced by the Hon'ble Prime Minister of India in June 2008. At the national level, it aims at increased forest/tree cover on 5 million hectares of forest/non-forest land and improved quality of forest cover on another 5 million (a total of 10 million hectares), improved ecosystem services including biodiversity, hydrological and carbon sequestration, post treatment of 10 million hectares.

In Uttarakhand, climate change escalates the already existing vulnerabilities (social, ecological, economic and cultural) and inequities of Uttarakhand could manifest disastrously if not addressed adequately. At the same time, the State has already undertaken a range of initiatives across various sectors, supportive of building adaptive resilience and climate change, as well as supporting mitigation. Green India Mission is thus a step further in this direction to address the issues concerning sustainability and increasing the green cover in the State. The approach to the mission, as laid out in the document, has incorporated many innovative ideas which aim at increasing both the quantity as well as quality of forest cover, enhance biodiversity to restore ecosystem and habitat diversity. The mission would also be inclusive in as much as involvement of Gram Sabhas overseeing its implementation at the village level.

Following main tasks are taken up under CAT plans

A - Preparatory PhasePreparation of Perspective plan, Training, Entry point activities etc.
1Enhancing quality of forest cover and improving ecosystem services- Moderately / Dense Forests, Eco-restoration of degraded open forests, grasslands.
B - Core Activities2Eco-restoration and increase in forest cover- scrublands and degraded public lands, Rehabilitation of Shifting Cultivation Areas, planting sea-buckthorn, Restoration of Mangroves and abandoned mining area , Reclamation and restoration of land slips.
3Enhancing tree cover in urban and peri-urban areas, public land including.
4Agro- forestry and Social forestry (increasing bio-mass and creating carbon sink)
5Restoration and Wetlands
C - Support ActivitiesPromotion of Alternative Energy

A total of 5515 ha. plantation has been carried out from the year 2018-19 to December, 2021 under the GIM. In addition, Alternate Energy devices has been made available to 5923 (Number) of beneficiaries under this mission.

All these activities are carried out with public participation.