The Himalayas have a great wealth of medicinal plants and traditional medicinal knowledge. The Central Himalayan Region covers the new state of India, provides excellent opportunities for studying the Traditional Knowledge Systems. The Indian Himalayan region alone supports about 18,440 species of plants (Angiosperms: 8000 spp., Gymnosperm: 44 spp., Pteridophytes: 600 spp., Bryophytes: 1736 spp., Lichens: 1159 spp. and Fungi: 6900 spp.) of which about 45% are having medicinal properties. According to Samant et al., out of the total species of vascular plants, 1748 spp. species are medicinal. Uttarakhand is a storehouse of a rich variety herbs and medicinal and aromatic plant species. The Government intends to exploit this advantage. Uttarakhand has observed an increase in the area under cultivation of aromatic and medicinal plants. The number of farmers engaged in cultivation of aromatic plants in Uttarakhand has dramatically increased from 301 in 2003-04 to 2714 in 2006-2007 and the area under aromatic plants has increased ten fold.